The Role of Color in Senior Living Design: Using Color Psychology to Create Positive Environments

Color and psychology share an intriguing relationship, intertwining to create powerful effects.

As a leading “senior-centric” design firm, we wholeheartedly understand the pivotal role that color plays in crafting the ideal ambiance within a space. Whether it's fostering a warm and inviting atmosphere or designing a sanctuary for relaxation, the influence of color is truly remarkable.

In this article, we will delve into the realm of interior design, focusing specifically on color psychology and the impact it has on our residents.

Let’s get started.

Interior Design Color & Psychology


Blue, with its tranquil and serene nature, creates a sense of calmness and relaxation.

It is a color often associated with the vastness of the sky and the soothing embrace of water, instilling a sense of tranquility and peace.


In interior design, red can be used strategically to create a sense of excitement, energy, and warmth.

When incorporated into a space, red can become a focal point, adding a bold and confident statement.


Incorporating shades of green into a space can evoke a feeling of serenity, calmness, and rejuvenation.

Lighter shades like mint green or pastel green can create a soft and soothing ambiance, reminiscent of lush meadows and springtime.

Deeper shades of green, such as forest green or emerald green, can add a touch of elegance and richness to a room.


The color purple possesses a magical allure that exudes luxury, creativity, and spirituality.

Whether you choose lighter shades for a dreamy and peaceful atmosphere or deeper tones for a touch of drama, incorporating purple into your design palette can add a sense of elegance and inspiration to your space, creating a captivating and enchanting environment.


As a color that represents the elements of the natural world, chocolate can bring both a grounded and cozy atmosphere to an interior design project.

All in all, incorporating shades of this color into a space can evoke a feeling of comfort, security, and warmth.

Experience the Transformative Effects of Color

From the soothing depths of deep blue to the tranquil embrace of sage green, the colors you select hold the power to transform the very mood of the space.

Remember, every hue has its own unique impact and potential to evoke emotions. With a thoughtful approach to color selection, you can elevate the ambiance, enhance well-being, and contribute to a harmonious living experience for your residents.


May 2023 Newsletter


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